Refusing the Resurrection

Many times, Christians are waiting for the resurrection. They don’t want to live now. They prefer to wait for some time in the future. Like stubborn children, it’s as if they are holding their breath…refusing to receive what the Lord is giving them.

For some reason, most of us refuse to receive the breath of God now. We think we will only experience resurrection when we die. But, you must die long before you die. And you must live now, if you expect to have eternal life.

Resurrection Now…Not Later

Jesus doesn’t invite us to life in the future. He invites us to embrace life in abundance, now! But that abundance is not what the world considers abundance…it’s not what prosperity preachers proclaim it to be. The Lord invites us to abundance that allows us to live the full life that was ordained from creation. We want this life…but we think that life only comes later. That’s a lie.


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